
Informal modelling, systematic design, idea generator or an effective research tool? It's up to you.
Model useful and harmful elements, goals and risks. Differentiate issues, choices, events, knowledge and actions. Add increasing and decreasing influences, relationships and effects. Differentiate sufficient, insufficient, excessive and dysfunctional elements.
Highlight potential, historical and focus elements. Specify which effects are necessary, inevitable, delayed, accelerated, questionable, or negated.
At its core, Southbeach empowers users to capture a situation or system in a simple diagram or model, utilizing a limited set of symbols and a straightforward methodology. From there, users can refine the model, greatly amplifying its functionality. They can generate ideas based on both pre-installed and custom user rules.
The model can be accessed in various formats, whether as a report, script, or diagram, thanks to a suite of powerful, built-in tools and analytical methods. These tools are seamlessly integrated into the application, providing a comprehensive experience that caters to both generalists and specialists.
Create visual models to stimulate creative thinking, ideation, problem-solving and design
Maintain a library of abstract or concrete models, sub-models or modelling elements
Export graphical models and entity relationships to text lists and spreadsheets
Model problems and solutions, issues, events, decisions, actions, goals and risks
Annotate model elements with tags and tag groups, both exclusive and inclusive
Model over grids such as consulting charts (XY), swimlanes (rows), pools (columns) and labelled boxes
Visual elements automatically inherit additional tags from the axis labels of charts, grids and boxes
An extensive library of consulting charts and grids is provided, each modifiable or extended by the user
Generate ideas from any visual model using the embedded rules engine
Craft scripts for specific methods or applications using the creativity and reporting rules language
Idea generation operates in two modes: interactively while modelling or on-demand to generate a report
Keep additional notes, web links and file references with any model or model elements
Refine models using a variety of built-in effects, relationships or user-defined arrows
Refine elements and relationships using attributes such as insufficient, dysfunctional, questionable and more
The rules language allows for the definition of matching patterns and macros against all visual details and tags
Search the web, patent bases and other resources using selected parts of the model
Configurable auto-layout functions include freeform, tree and graph mode
Pin (fix) or clamp (user position) objects on the canvas so that auto-layout elements move around them
Define a build sequence for the model and step through the logic of your design
Highlight individual model elements and the critical problem-solving patterns
Follow any highlighted element forward or backwards through the cause-effect chain
Assist tools accelerate model building using tools such as elaboration, decomposition and improvement
View, sort and edit the text of the model using list views of individual elements and relationships
Capture model text live in a team meeting or client interview without the distraction of visualization
Anonymize, shuffle or randomize any model or selection of elements to stimulate creativity
A library of lists on a variety of business, engineering and social topics helps to kick-start the modelling process
Add to the model, or paint over, existing visual elements from any list, subset of items or individual entity
Copy/paste visual elements to/from the clipboard as text or images for inclusion in external reports
Select elements on the canvas manually or according to their tags, attributes and shape
Define sentence structures from which ‘cues’ are generated; seeds for the development of new ideas
Use any generated sentence for lateral thinking or to craft new rules for the creativity and reporting engine
Everything other than the standard notation is configurable: tags, grids, lists, creativity, reports
Shortcuts and accelerator keys are available for essential functions and tools
Create template models with default settings, initial content, notes, tags and their own specific creativity rules
Idea engine
Modeller comes bundled with 100s of carefully curated ideation scripts and rulesets. However, using any text editor, users can write their own rulesets or copy and adapt existing rulesets. A detailed guide to the rules language is provided for advanced users (MyCreativity Reference.pdf).
Southbeach visual modeller contains an embedded rules engine
The user writes rules that generate creative suggestions from any model
Rules can be reused across any visual model, in any field of analysis
Suggestions generated support the users' creative thinking and problem solving
A rule is a pattern plus a sentence containing expandable macros
Sentences can have embedded newlines to generate paragraphs
Patterns and macros are formed using keywords from the Southbeach notation
Every agent or effect attribute in the notation is supported by the engine
Patterns and macros can also match any user supplied text in the model
User text is any agent name, effect name or label, tag or grid position on the canvas
A ruleset is a group of such rules intended to support the intent of the analyst
Rulesets can be named and organized into a hierarchy for easy access
Users turn on and off rulesets as they work through an analysis
As the user clicks around a model, rules are matched to the model content
Rules trigger within a defined extent / scope, set by the user at run time
Where a pattern matches the model within the extent, sentences are output
Macros embedded in the sentences are expanded as they are generated
Creative suggestions (ideas) are listed in creativity panels within the application
Ideas generated are saved with the model in panel in which they are generated
Model-specific rules can also be embedded in the creativity panels
Model-specific rules can be turned on or off by the user at run time
In addition to the interactive mode, reports can also be generated
A report is a template containing embedded rules and reporting instructions
After any change to a model, reports can be re-generated and updated
Reports extend the pattern language to allow for the processing of indirect effects
Reports contain formatting instructions for bulleted, numbered and lettered lists
Reports can be run over one or all models of a model file set